The Greening of Detroit is a 501(c) (3) not for profit organization established in 1989 to guide and inspire the reforestation of Detroit. In 2006, a new vision was established, expanding The Greening’s mission is to guide and inspire others to create a greener Detroit: through planting, educational programs, environmental leadership, advocacy, and by building community capacity.
Green Infrastructure is a term used to describe the network of planned and managed green spaces which work together to benefit a community’s social, economic and environmental health. Our Green Infrastructure programming began with organized tree and shrub planting projects in parks and along city streets and grew to include broad scale projects specifically designed to maximize benefits to the people living in the neighborhoods where we work.
We work with hundreds of community partners in Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park to improve parks, beautify neighborhoods and create useful landscapes from vacant land. And our involvement doesn’t stop there. We continue to affect long-term planning for greening and revitalization in Detroit by lending a hand and offering our expertise to government agencies and corporations throughout the city.